
Iannis Kominis Associate Professor and Group members

Iannis Kominis

Associate Professor
Department of Physics, University of Crete

Iannis received a Diploma in Electrical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens in 1996. He then went on to obtain a PhD in Physics at Princeton University. After completing a one-year military service he went back to Princeton for a post-doctoral appointment and then to a second post-doctoral position at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Since 2004 he is a faculty member at the Physics Department of the University of Crete.

Iannis’ publications can be found at Google Scholar and a full CV can be found here.

Group members

Afroditi Acheimastou
Undergraduate Student
Efthymis Gkoudinakis
Undergraduate Student
Giorgos Kritopoulos
Undergraduate Student
Evangelia Mystraki
Undergraduate Student
Antonia Tampakaki
Undergraduate Student
Giorgos Vetoulakis
Undergraduate Student

Former members

Ioanna Demeridou
Former Postdoc
Ioanna spent one year in our group doing postdoctoral research in photonics projects. She then moved to the Institute of Computer Science at the Foundation for Research and Technology.
Kostas Mouloudakis
Former PhD Student
Kostas started in our group as an undergraduate researcher, he did his senior thesis, then his Masters thesis, and most recently he obtained his PhD (2021). He then started his post-doctoral appointement in the group of Prof. Dr. Morgan Mitchell at ICFO in Barcelona, working on the physics and technology of novel atomic magnetometers.
Nikos Tsatrafyllis
Former PhD Student
Nikos obtained his PhD (2018) working at the Attosecond Science group of FORTH-IESL in collaboration with our group, studying among other topics, the quantum-optical underpinnings of high harmonic generation.
Kyriacos Vitalis
Former PhD Student
Kyriacos obtained his PhD(2017) in our group, working on quantum metrology applied in spin-dependent biochemical reactions of radical-pairs. He then moved to a post-doctoral position at the group of Prof. Christos Nicolaides at the Department of Business and Public Administration of the University of Cyprus, working on data analytics.
Argyris Dellis
Former PhD Student
Argyris did his undergraduate, Masters and PhD thesis (2013) with our group, engaging in experimental work on spin noise in atomic vapor cells, as well as theoretical work in quantum biology. He then went on for post-doctoral work on chip-scale cold atom systems for use as time standards and inertial sensors at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Boulder, at the group of Dr. John Kitching.
Georgios Katsoprinakis
Former PhD Student
Georgios did his Masters and PhD (2010) research with our group, working theoretically on electromagnetically induced transparency, experimentally on spin noise in atomic vapor cells, also doing theoretical work in quantum biology. He then went on for post-doctoral work on precision polarimetry with cavity enhancement at the group of Prof. Peter Rakitzis at FORTH-IESL.
Emmanouela Chrysafi
Former Postgraduate Student
Emmanouela has been in our group for several years, also working as a Research Scientist at Quantum Biometronics. In Fall 2024 she started a Masters program on measurement technology and nano physics at the University of Bergen in Norway.
Antonis Margaritakis
Former Postgraduate Student
Antonis has been in our group since his junior undergraduate year. In Fall 2021 he will be joining the PhD program of the Physics Department at the University of Southern California.
Katerina Gratsea
Former Postgraduate Student
Katerina was a postgraduate researcher in our group working on image processing of the human pupil, she then went on to ICFO-Barcelona for her PhD studies in the group of Prof. Maciej Lewenstein.
Antonis Margaritakis
Former Postgraduate Student
Antonis has been in our group since his junior undergraduate year. In Fall 2021 he will be joining the PhD program of the Physics Department at the University of Southern California.
Michael Kritsotakis
Former Masters Student
Michael did his Masters thesis with our group on the quantum foundations of the radical-pair mechanism, he then went on for a one-year extracurricular activity at the greek army before joining the Physics Department of the University of Sussex for doctoral work on quantum metrology at the group of Prof. Jacob Dunningham.
Kostis Tsampourakis
Former Masters Student
Kostis obtained his Masters degree working in our group, studying radical-pair master equations in terms of quantum trajectories. He then took up a PhD position at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Washington State University to work on the mathematics of complex systems.
Manolis Petrakakis
Former Masters Student
Manolis did his Masters thesis studying quantum coherence in multi-nuclear spin radical-pair reactions. He then started his PhD work in the group of Dr. Emmanuel Stratakis at FORTH-IESL.
Gregory Magkos
Former Masters Student
Gregory did his Masters thesis on quantum optical analysis of biometric methodologies using photon counting by the human retina.
Spiros Grountas
Former Undergraduate Student
Spiros did his undergraduate thesis with our group working on magnetometry. He then joined the Engineering Physics Master Program at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Chirstoforos Thalassinakis
Former Undergraduate Student
Christoforos did his undergraduate thesis with our group working on feedback systems pertinent to our pupillometry experiment. He then joined Quantum Biometronics ( as an R&D Scientist.
Panagiotis Karavelas
Former Undergraduate Student
Panagiotis worked in our group on magnetic viscometry. He then enrolled in the advanced physics masters program of our department.
Zacharias Tzitzikas
Former Undergraduate Student
Zacharias worked in our group on our laser pupillometer. He then joined the Engineering Physics Master Program at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Giorgos Stylianou
Former Undergraduate Student
Giorgos worked towards his undergraduate thesis in our group, investigating nonlinear optical processes for single-photon generation. He then left for an internship at the University of Stuttgart, after which he joined the Applied Physics Masters program at the Technical University of Delft.
Foivos Vouzinas
Former Undergraduate Student
Foivos did his undergraduate thesis with our group working on spin-noise correlations in dual-species hot atomic vapors. He then enrolled in the Quantum Engineering Masters program at ETH.
Apostolos Banoutsos
Former Undergraduate Student
Apostolos completed his undergraduate thesis in our group, reviewing classical and quantum random number generators. He then joined the Photonics-Nanoelectronics graduate program of our Department.
Danai Pantazopoulou
Former Undergraduate Student
Danai, coming from the Department of Biology, did her undergraduate thesis in our group working on electrophysiology of single rod cells. She then enrolled in the Brain & Mind graduate program at the Medical School of UoC.
Dimitris Dolapsakis
Former Undergraduate Student
Dimitris did his undergraduate thesis in our group working on electrophysiology of single rod cells. He then enrolled in our Masters Program on Photonics & Nanoelectronics.
Georgia Anyfantaki
Former Undergraduate Student
Georgia did her undergraduate thesis on developing our laser light source for pupillometry and biometrics and measuring the pupil light reflex under spatially-selective laser illumination. Thereafter which she enrolled in the Master of Science in Physics program at the University of Copenhagen.
Giorgos Garidis
Former Undergraduate Student
Giorgos did his undergraduate thesis on measuring single rod cell photoresponses, after which he enrolled in the Master of Science in Physics program at the University of Copenhagen.
Dimitris Giarikanis
Former Undergraduate Student
Dimitris did his undergraduate thesis on measuring single rod cell photoresponses. He then enrolled in the Masters program on Physical Electronics and Radioelectronics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Theodoros Ilias
Former Undergraduate Student
Theodoros studied entanglement dynamics in biological systems for his senior undergraduate thesis. He then started a PhD at the group of Prof. Dr. Martin Plenio at the University of Ulm.
Giorgos Vlachakis
Former Undergraduate Student
Giorgos did his undergraduate thesis on modelling coupled diffusion equations relevant to atomic vapors, he then went on to the Mathematics graduate program at UoC.
Alexandros Tavernarakis
Former Undergraduate Student
Alexandros did his undergraduate thesis with our group on laser spectroscopy, he then went on for PhD on quantum opto-mechanics at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.